A dream wedding that actually happened at Baan Sri Wiang
A dream wedding that actually happened at Baan Sri Wiang

A dream wedding that actually happened at Baan Sri Wiang

Warm and comfortable love...whenever I turn around, I always see you.

A dream wedding that actually happened at Baan Sriwiang,

Khun Kwang - Chudamas Chanthabanlet

Mr. Petch - Kongphan Rasmiwicharn

Maybe the person we are looking for is already in your life. When the time is right, we will see the right person… No matter how much time passes, the feeling will still be the same, just like your love, Kwang.< wpml_nbsp > Chuthamas Chantabanlert and Khun Petch Kongphan Rasmiwichan, from friends of friends, the people who are always there for each other when they are lonely, no matter how many times they are apart, they always come back. This has led to 11 years of heartwarming love and the wedding picture they had dreamed of, which has come true beautifully at Baan Sriwiang. The story began when Kwang and Petch met by chance in their first year because Petch was a friend of Kwang's friend. The two of them started talking to each other more and more. At that time, it might not be called love because they were just talking to each other. They just talked and talked without settling down. Since they were both young, there were times when they were close and times when they were apart. But every time, they would always think of each other until they had to come back to each other. Before they knew it, they had become each other's comfort... When they realized it, they were seriously dating for 11 years, and it was the right time to get married. The couple had planned their wedding since two years ago, but had to postpone it because it was during COVID. The situation at that time was still unstable, so they could not prepare for the wedding any further. However, the two of them had a goal of getting married for a long time, but they were waiting for the most suitable and ready time. If they had to postpone it to make the wedding perfect, they had to accept it because they had a dream wedding and wanted it to happen. I wanted to organize the event with my own funds. I wanted to make the wedding as perfect as possible…and it turned out exactly as I had imagined.< wpml_nbsp > The concept of the event was to be intimate, a morning event, and a tea ceremony, with only the elders and close friends. Both of them wanted to make it look lovely and warm, so they didn't care about holding it at a hotel, but looked for a house first. Until they found Baan Sriwiang, which met their style. It gave a feeling like holding an event at home. The theme of the event was sweet and dreamy, playing with pastel colors to the max. Both of them carefully selected all the knickknacks, such as wedding cards, souvenirs, and a cake that was really bright and cute. They also made it a long table, which meant eating together. Everyone would feel close like they were one family. It was a great gimmick. It made us know that both the bride and groom really put their heart into their wedding. There's nothing more comfortable than being with the people we love at our home. In addition to being a happy time for both the bride and groom, the guests also got to experience the lovely atmosphere and feel it together. Baan Sriwiang was able to create that warm feeling for everyone and was a place where there were only smiles that would never fade. Whenever I think back to the special day at Baan Sriwiang, I always smile.

March 20, 2023