The Legend of “True Love”: The Origin of Mickey & Minnie Mouse
The Legend of “True Love”: The Origin of Mickey & Minnie Mouse

The Legend of “True Love”: The Origin of Mickey & Minnie Mouse

Sriwiang’s Love Story

 A beautiful and creative love story.

The legend of "true love" that is the origin of Mickey & Minnie Mouse.

Memories and love in the past are what shape humans, keeping hopes and dreams alive from generation to generation. Baan Sriwiang is a home of love, beauty in the past, and art. We want to take you into the legendary world of love that will tell everyone that “true love does exist.” The love of Walt Disney, the world’s cartoon and creative godfather, for Lilian Disney has never faded from the hearts of people around the world, just like the love in Baan Sriwiang. Everyone must be familiar with “Walt Disney” or Walter Elias Disney, the owner of Walt Disney Studio, who created the world’s most famous animated cartoons, becoming the first cartoon character to have his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “Mickey Mouse” and created many other cartoon characters. He is also well known as the founder of the famous theme park “Disney Land”, a city that many children dream of visiting. Walt Disney is considered a genius in cartoons and creativity. What is behind his success? Why can he come up with these brilliant ideas all the time?

It is said that people who have good love are always happy and happiness often becomes something that creates creativity. Or is this what makes Walt successful in life? That's right. Many people probably only know Walt Disney, but he had a beloved wife, "Lillian Disney", who was both his best friend and his assistant. And of course, she played a part in creating Disney's work. The love story of the couple, Walt and Lillian, is a couple that seems to have come out of a Disney fairy tale. The couple met in 1920. After Lillian graduated, she and her sister decided to move to Los Angeles and worked in the Ink and Paint department at Walt's studio. They dated until they got married in 1925 in Lewiston and they had two children, Diane Marie Disney and Sharon Mae Disney, who was adopted. Walt's grandson once said of Lillian Disney that she was a wonderful woman, full of laughter and fun. She always told the truth. She was strong and lovely at the same time. Walt was a wonderful husband to Lillian, a wonderful father and grandfather, and was a great and fun person. So it's no wonder that they got along so well. From the blossoming love to creative works During the creation of Mickey Mouse, Lillian suggested her husband to change the name of the cartoon character from "Mortimer" to "Mickey". She said that the name "Mortimer" sounded too arrogant, but the name "Mickey" was playful and approachable. Later, "Minnie Mouse" was created to be a couple. Walt put himself and his wife into his work. Walt is an optimistic person, friendly, playful, and when he is in love, he will immediately become shy, just like Mickey Mouse. For example, in the beginning when they were courting, Walt often volunteered to take Lillian home. But because of his shyness, he invited others to go back with him. And he would always drop Lillian off last so that they could spend a long time together. I must say that he is a really romantic person. And Lillian felt this care, so she fell in love. As for Lillian, she is a free-spirited woman who does not think too much about nonsense. And is a good housewife. Her personality is conveyed in the role of Minnie. The Disney family is a family that is a true model of the words "father, mother, child". They are very happy living together. Walt revealed that before he built Disney Land, he took his children to LA's Griffith Park. While his children were having fun on the carousel, he thought about how great it would be if parents and children could spend quality time together and do activities in a fun and safe place. That's what gave him the idea to build Disney Land. It's a place built with love and a warm place for all families. It's an enviable love story for Walt and Lillian Disney. They had a great time together. Because they both have similar personalities and are fun-loving people, they got along very well. Walt and Lillian are a couple who are role models for many people and are great parents in terms of loving and caring for their children. They share wonderful stories of their lives and live an exciting life. The most important thing for this couple is that "they love each other every second they are together." This has made them a couple for 41 years.

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February 12, 2023